Contact us and tell us your legal story as a Chinese American women
Contact us and tell us your legal story as a Chinese American women

「美國華人歷史家協會成立於2014 年,是非營利組織,符合美國稅法 510(c)(3),捐款得免稅」「自從開創以來,本協會致力於推動「她,在歷史的背後—美國華人女性法律史」的展覽,從2014年至2019年,共在美國及台灣展出24場。2022年,Herstory 2 開始第二輪的巡迴展,首站在舊金山圖書館。 我們於2016年至2024年,並出版了「華人女性口述歷史」紙版,記載了十六位開創行業先鋒的偉大華人女性。我們的計畫是採訪100 位女性,以為後來女性的凱模。
The Chinese American Historians Society was founded in 2014 and is devoted to spreading the inspirational legal stories of Chinese American women from 1852 to the present day. The cases were recorded in two traveling exhibitions titled "Herstory” and “Herstory 2." Herstory was showcased in more than 24 museums and major libraries since 2014, and Herstory 2 started its traveling exhibition in 2022. We also published 16 "Oral History of Chinese American Women” books to record trailblazing women in their fields. Please help us with either your generous donation or by volunteering your efforts. The Chinese American Historians Society is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Thank you very much!

邱 彰
Chang Chiu Chen

Juanita Dion-Chiang

陳 駿
Jun Angie Chen

劉鎵瑋 博士
Dr. Jiawei Liu

Carrie Yuhong Fu